Location file

You can create all your location terms such as buildings, floors, rooms, and shelves in the Location file.

How this file works

The Location file stores all the location terms that are relevant to your collection. These are locations where your objects, documents, and photo/audio-visual items are stored. You can record lux information for each location term so that you can measure light exposure for objects in these locations.

Open the Location file

  1. Go to the Database menu and then click Other Files.

  2. In the Other field, enter id\location and press Enter.

Work with locations

To learn how to use the Location file, including moving objects, see Locations and packing units.

Fields that use the Location file

Hierarchy tab

Name, language and status fields

Hierarchy fields

Light exposure fields

For information on how to use these fields, see Record the light exposure of a location.

Thesaurus tab