Email Address field

The Email Address field records an email address related to this person, organisation, or the person involved in an Activity record.

How this field works

Once an email address has been entered, you can double-click on it to send an email to that address.

Field details

Field type

Text field

Internal field name



  • Person > Identification window > Name, Date, Address tab

  • Acquisition Proposal window > Details tab

  • Entry > Incoming Receipt window > Details tab

  • Exhibition Venue window > Details tab

  • Exit > Outgoing Receipt window > Details tab

  • Inward Loan window > Details tab

  • Inward Rights, Reproduction & Use window > Details tab

  • Outward Loan window > Details tab

  • Outward Rights, Reproduction & Use window > Details tab

Searching on this field

Select All Text in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

Select Email in Reporting.

You can't sort on this field.