Rights Holder field

The Rights Holder field records the individual or organisation that holds the rights (such as copyright) to the objects or other items.

How this field works

The Rights Holder field connects to the Person file.

Field details

Field type

Authority field

Internal field names


Document file: COPYRIGHT_TO


  • Object > Acquisition Provenance & Rights window > Provenance, Rights tab

  • Object > Archive File/Item window > Conditions of Access and Use tab

  • Object > Archive Series window > Conditions, Allied Materials, Notes, Description Control tab

  • Object > Library window > Administration tab

  • Document > Identification window > ISBN, Rights tab

  • Photo/Audio-Visual > Identification window > Source, Rights tab

  • Topic window > Rights, Access tab

Searching on this field

Select Rights Owner or Rights Holder in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports: Select Rights Owner or Rights Holder.

  • Group (Down the page) reports: Expand Rights (full details) then select Owner or Holder.

You can sort on this field.