Tools in Vernon CMS

This guide describes the tools in Vernon CMS.

Your main tools

Advanced Search

Search on all fields and combine searches.

List Manager

View and work with a list of records in a table format.

Reporting tool

Report on any file and group of records.


Save, manage, and share lists, searches, and templates.

Authority Options window

View and select the authority terms within an authority field or file.

General tools

User Preferences

Set your preferences for Vernon CMS which apply to your user name only.

Spellcheck File

Check the spelling of a field, a record, a list of records, or an entire file.

Field Usage Count

Run a report on how you use fields in different files. This can be helpful when cleaning up data.

Random Record Selection

Select a set of random records from your system. This is useful when auditing your records for data quality.

General bulk tools

Bulk Update

Update most fields and add new rows to tables in any file. The data must be the same for all records.

XML Import

Create or update many records in bulk. The data can be different for each record.

Text Find & Replace

Find and replace text in any text field for multiple records.

Bulk authority term tools

Authority Term Report/Replace

Report on, replace, update, and add authority terms in bulk.

Bulk Update of Term Usage Control

Update the usage of many authority terms at once.

Candidate Term Utilities

Apply a candidate status on all new authority terms and report on your candidate terms.

Bulk location tools

Bulk Move

Move multiple objects (or their parts) and packing units to a single new location or back to their individual Usual Locations.

Bulk Inventory

Inventory multiple objects (or their parts) and packing units to a single new location or back to their individual Usual Locations.

Batch Location Change

Move or inventory multiple objects (or their parts) and packing units to many different locations

Offline Location Recording tool

Record your location information while working offline.

Bulk image tools

Import & Link Images

Import Photo/Audio-Visual records and link them to Object records.

Bulk Update Photo/AV Metadata

Update the metadata of Photo/Audio-Visual records.

Specific bulk tools

Bulk Classification Update

Update the classification of objects or transfer the current classifications to the Previous Classification table.

Bulk Procedural Control Status Update

Update a group of records to a new procedural status.

Bulk Rights Update

Add rights data to Object, Photo/Audio-Visual, or Topic records.

Bulk Task Update

Add or update tasks and associated costs in Object and Activity records.

Bulk Valuation Update

Update object valuations by percentage increase or decrease or by a specific amount.

Diary tools

Diary Check

Display a list of all the current Diary Tasks associated with the logged-in user.

Calendar View

View Diary or Activity records in a calendar or agenda format.

Public access tools

Web Messenger

Update other applications with changes to your records in Vernon CMS.

Supervisor tools

Accession Number Format tool

Create, define, and manage accession number formats.

Audit tool

Report on and undo data changes.

Customised Configuration

Configure many different settings for your system.

Index Maintenance

Update, rebuild, and monitor your indexes.

Search tool

Maintain and customise search for your organisation.

Security tool

Manage the users and security groups at your organisation.

Activities tools

Activities Configuration

Configure your Activities files.

Inward Loan Renew and Outward Loan Renew

Create a new loan renewal record from a previous loan record.

Inward Loan Return and Outward Loan Return

Return loaned objects.