Set your personal preferences

You can set your preferences for Vernon CMS which apply to your user name only.


  1. Go to the Tools menu, then User Tools, then click User Preferences.

  2. Set your preferences (see below).

  3. Click OK.

Set your navigator preference

On the Appearance tab, if Open Navigator upon Logon is checked, the system will automatically open the navigator when you log into Vernon CMS.

Set your font preferences

On the Appearance tab, you can choose the fonts in the system for fields, field labels, and reports. To change the fonts, click into the relevant font field, and then click the Font button. You can then pick a font style, colour and size.

If you change the font size, tick Adjust Table row height to fit.

To return to the default font, click into the font field, and press Delete on your keyboard.

Set your window preferences

Window size

On the Appearance tab, under Window Size, check Maximised and newly opened windows will fill all the available screen space within Vernon CMS. The default option is Normal.

Window alignment

On the Appearance tab, under Window Alignment, you can set the alignment of windows when more than one window is open in Vernon CMS.

  • Cascade (down + across) - windows will cascade diagonally down and to the right of the screen.

  • Cascade (down only) - windows will cascade straight downwards as they are opened.

  • Top left - windows will open up in the top left of the screen.

Window that opens when you log on

On the Settings tab, under Default Window upon Log On, in the Window field, click Options to set which window opens automatically when you log on. The default is the Identification window in the Object file.

User Views window

On the Settings tab, under Default User Views, you can choose the user view you want displayed automatically when you open the User Views window. In File, select the file and then the views will become available as options in the aligned Default View field.

Set your month display preference

On the Appearance tab, under Month Display Format, you can set the way you would like months to display in date fields. The default is first 3 letters in lower case.

Set your colour preferences

On the Appearance tab, under Colour for Mandatory Fields, you can choose to have mandatory fields be highlighted with a colour. You can change the colour by clicking the change button and picking a colour. If the Customised Configuration window has a colour set for mandatory fields, this will override the User Preference. The default is no colour.

Under Colour for List Manager and Portfolio Focus, you can have the currently active List Manager or Portfolio field highlighted with a colour. To change the colour, click Change button and pick a colour.

Set your Diary checking preference

By default, when you log on you will be shown a list of all the Diary Tasks related to you. To turn this off, on the Settings tab, tick Disable Diary Checking Automatically when Logon.

Set your accession number preferences

By default, you will be offered the next accession number in the series when creating an object record. On the Settings tab, you can untick Enable Accession Number Defaulting to turn this off.

Set your output folder preference

On the Settings tab, in the Default Output Folder field, you can set the location of any files generated by Vernon CMS. If left unspecified, the system will use My Documents\Vernon CMS.

Set your Portfolio folder preference

On the Settings tab, under Portfolio - Default Folder, you can set the folder that will open whenever you save to Portfolio. In the Specific Folder field, click Options to select a folder. Or tick My Favourites to open your Favourites folder.

Set your spell checker preferences

On the Settings tab, you can choose how Vernon checks the spelling of records when they are saved.

  • Select No Spell Checking to turn the Spell Checker off.

  • Select All Fields to check the spelling of all fields.

  • Select Changed Fields to check the spelling of only the fields that have been updated.

Set your image preferences

On the Settings tab, under Imaging:

  • Set your image size preference. The default is Display Thumbnail. Select Display Original Image/Video to display the original image or video in Vernon CMS.

  • You can untick Enable Image Auto Display to prevent images from displaying. You can click the Image button on the toolbar to display an image.

  • You can tick Open Using File Associations to open images in your computer's default media viewing application, instead of the Vernon CMS image viewer.

Set your location move preference

By default, the current date and time will automatically be entered in location moves. To turn this off, on the Settings tab, untick Enable Date & Time Defaulting in Location Movement.

Set your Activities module preferences

On the Activities tab, you can set your preferences that apply specifically to Activities. Any preferences you have set in the Appearance tab or Settings tabs for use in the Cataloguing module will also carry over to Activities.

Background colours

You can set background colours for each of the Activity files. The background colours are displayed in two areas:

  • The One Line Display for individual Activity records.

  • The Activities tab of the Objects & Activities window.

To change the background colours:

  1. Tick Enable Colour next to the Activity file.

  2. Click Change to view available colours. You can choose from a standard set of colours or select your own customised colour.

  3. Click OK to return to the Activities tab. You will now see the colour you selected for your Activity file.

To reset all Activity files so that they have no background colour, tick Reset all to no background colour.

Auto-display objects

You can also decide if you want a list of objects to display on the main window for each Activity file.

  • If you choose to display objects, you will see a list of each object that has been linked with an Activity record

  • If you choose not to display objects, you will not see a list of each object though you will still see the number of objects linked.

To turn auto-display on or off:

  1. Tick Auto-display Objects for each Activity file where you want to see a list of objects on the main Activity window.

  2. Untick or leave the checkbox blank for each Activity file where you do not want to see a list of objects.

There are a couple of considerations regarding the auto-display option:

  • Object details are displayed on the Objects & Activities window regardless of your auto-display choice.

  • The details for the auto-display are calculated from the Objects & Activities window. For Activities where there are large lists of objects, the system will need time to build the list for the auto-display. If you do not want to wait for the system to build the auto-display table, please disable this option.

Enable sign-off and scheduling

Sign Off and Scheduling options will change depending on how the Activities Configuration has been set up for your institution.

If Sign Off and Scheduling have been enabled in the Activities Configuration, the Enable Sign Off and Enable Scheduling options will be available to you and you will be able to tick or untick the Activities where you want to use Sign Off and Scheduling.

If Sign Off and Scheduling have been enforced in the Activities Configuration, the details will be view-only in User Preferences and you will not be able to make any changes.

If you want to change Sign Off and Scheduling, you will need to go to Activities Configuration or speak to a system supervisor at your institution.