Set your scheduling preferences for activities

You can set the system to present a list of next statuses and tasks when an Activity record is saved with a new procedural status.


Enabling the Scheduling tool means that users will be presented with a list of next statuses and tasks to do when an Activity record is saved with a new procedural status. If you select a next status or task from the list, you will be prompted to record the details in the Tasks & Their Costs window.

The next statuses and tasks to do will correspond with the particular procedural status you are working with. You will also see a list of other tasks, which includes all of the remaining tasks that have been set up in the Activity file you are using.

If you enable scheduling, a user can optionally select from the window or click Cancel.

If you enforce scheduling, a user must select from the window and they cannot change this setting in User Preferences. For more information, see Set your preferences.


  1. Go to the Tools menu, then System Maintenance, then click Activities Configuration.

  2. Go to the Sign Off & Scheduling tab.

  3. For any Activity file, under Enable Scheduling and Enforced?, tick the checkboxes according to your preferences.

    • Please note that if you want to enforce scheduling, you need to tick both the Enable Scheduling and Enforced? checkboxes.

    • If you choose not to enforce scheduling, each user will be able to configure this option for themselves in their User Preferences.

  4. Click OK.