Set your sign-off preferences for activities

You can set the system to ask for a person's name and the date when an Activity record is saved with a new procedural status.


If sign-off is enabled for an Activity file, then when a user saves a record with a new procedural status, the system will display a window with three fields to update: 

  • Actioned By

  • Date Actioned

  • Notes

If you enable sign-off, a user can optionally enter data into these fields or click Cancel.

If you enforce sign-off, a user must enter this data and they cannot change this setting in User Preferences. For more information, see Set your preferences.


  1. Go to the Tools menu, then System Maintenance, then click Activities Configuration.

  2. Go to the Sign Off & Scheduling tab.

  3. For any Activity file, under Enable Sign Off and Enforced?, tick the checkboxes according to your preferences.

    • Please note that if you want to enforce sign-off, you need to tick both the Enable Sign Off and Enforced? checkboxes.

    • If you choose not to enforce sign-off, each user will be able to configure this option for themselves in their User Preferences.

  4. Click OK.