Location Reason field

The Location Reason field records why an object or document is in a location.


  • Exhibition Loan

  • Outward Long Term Loan

  • Conservation

  • Temporary Storage

  • Usual Location

  • Display

  • Research

  • Inventory

How this field works

This field connects to the Location Reason file. You can use two special Management Flag terms in the Location Reason file:

  • Usual Location Flag
    Use this flag on any location reasons which should automatically update the Usual Location field in additional to the Current or Inventory Location fields.

  • Check Rest Period Flag
    Use this flag to indicate any location reasons where the objects will be on display. When doing a location move with these location reasons, the system will warn users if any of the objects are currently in a light exposure rest period. The rest period information can be entered on the Object - Condition and Treatment window on the Light Exposure tab.

Field details

Field type

Authority field


  • Object > Identification window (read-only)

  • Object > Location window > Location tab:

    • Current Location table (read-only)

    • Inventory Location table (read-only)

    • Movement Transaction window

    •  Inventory Transaction window

    • Location History window (read-only)

  • Document > Administration window

Internal field names - Object file

  • Current Location Reason: CURR_LOC_STATUS

  • Current Location Reason (all parts): CURR_LOC_STATUS_ALL_PARTS

  • Inventory Reason: INV_LOC_STATUS

  • Inventory Location Reason (all parts): INV_LOC_STATUS_ALL_PARTS

  • Location History Reason: HIST_LOC_STATUS

Internal field name - Document file


Searching on this field

Select Location Reason in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in the Object file in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports:

    • Select Current Location Reason.

    • Select Current Location Reason (all parts).

    • Select Inventory Reason.

    • Select Inventory Reason (all parts).

    • Select Location History Reason.

  • Group (Down the page) reports:

    • Expand Current Location (main details) then select Reason.

    • Expand Current Location (full details) then select Reason.

    • Expand Current Location (main details - all parts) then select Reason.

    • Expand Current Location (full details - all parts) then select Reason.

    • Expand Inventory (full details) then select Reason.

    • Expand Inventory (full details - all parts) then select Reason.

    • Expand Location History then select Reason.

You can sort on this field. Select Current Location Reason or Inventory Reason.

You can't report on this field in the Document file.