External Location field

The External Location field records an external organisation or person responsible for an object when it is outside of the institution. You can record an external location for the current location, usual location, and inventory location. It appears in the location history.

How this field works

The External Location field connects to the Person file.

Field details

Field type

Authority field

Internal field name

  • Current Location table: CURR_LOC_EXTERNAL

  • Inventory Location table: INV_LOC_EXTERNAL

  • Usual Location table: USUAL_LOC_EXTERNAL


Object > Location window > Location tab:

  • Movement Transaction window (data shows in Current Location table)

  • Inventory Transaction window (data shows in Inventory Location table)

  • Location History window

  • Usual Location table

Searching on this field

Select one of these options in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement:

  • Current Location External

  • History Location External

  • Inventory Location External

  • Usual Location External

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports - select one of these options:

    • Current Location External.

    • History Location External.

    • Inventory Location External.

    • Usual Location External.

  • Group (Down the page) reports:

    • Expand Current Location then select External.

    • Expand Inventory Location then select External.

    • Expand Usual Location then select External.

You can sort on this field.