View records in List Manager

Learn the basics of how to view records in List Manager.

Open List Manager

To open List Manager, click List on the toolbar.

Fields in List Manager

The default fields for List Manager are System ID and a short summary of each record. You can change these fields.

Number of records in List Manager

The number of records in a list is shown in the top-right corner of List Manager.

View the images in a list

Go to the Image tab to view thumbnail images for each record. Any selections you make in the image view will be reflected in the list view, and vice versa.

Go to a specific record in a list

Select a record and click the Go to button in List Manager. This will close List Manager and take you to that specific record in a browse list.

Open one record in a list and close the others

Select a record and click OK. All the other records in the list will be closed and only this one will open.

View the records in a browse list

If you already had a browse list open, just close List Manager.

Otherwise, click the Window button in List Manager to open the records in a browse list.

View large blocks of records

In some cases, lists will be shown in smaller blocks. The Block Indicator in the top-right corner will show how many blocks there are in total, and which block is currently visible.

You can move from block to block (instead of scrolling up or down through the entire list of records) by clicking the horizontal arrows, or by dragging the horizontal scroll box on the Block indicator.

You can go to the Records menu and then the Block menu to use these options: 

  • First: This option takes you to the first block in the list.

  • Next: This option takes you to the next block.

  • Previous: This option takes you to the previous block.

  • Last: This option takes you to the last block in the list.

  • Split: This option splits the current block into two blocks. Highlight the record you want to split the list at, then go to Records > BlockSplit. The highlighted record will become the first record of the new block. A block will split at each highlighted record, so if you have highlighted more than one record, the original block will be split into multiple blocks.

  • Move: This options lets you reorder blocks.

  • Compress: This option lets you compress blocks. Blocks that are automatically created by the system are equal in size. If you have altered any block within the list by combining it with another list, adding records, or deleting records, you can redistribute the records to make blocks of equal size again by clicking Compress > 32K or Compress > Max.

  • Delete: This option lets you delete the current block. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the block. Deleting a block removes the records from the list.

See also