Search on accession number fields

Learn about the different ways to search on accession numbers.


You can search on accession numbers in three main ways: 

  • Use the Search bar.

  • Use Advanced Search on the Accession No field.

  • Use Advanced Search on the Accession No (no format) field.

You can also browse all entries in the Accession No field. For more information, see Browse all the terms in a field's search index.

Search on the Accession No field

  1. Click Advanced on the toolbar to open Advanced Search.

  2. In the list of Search Fields, select Accession No and click Next.

  3. In the Search For field, enter the accession number. You can search for ranges by entering two complete accession numbers with ellipses between them. For example, enter 2011.1...2011.20 to search for records that have accession numbers between 2011.1 and 2011.20.

  4. Click Next to see the number of search results and optionally refine your search.

  5. Click Finish to open your results in a browse list.

Search on the Accession No (no format) field

If you don't know the entire accession number of the records you are trying to find, you can choose Accession No (no format) from the list of search fields. You can enter partial accession numbers, and ranges of partial accession numbers.

For example:

  • Enter 2011] to search for all records that have accession numbers that start with 2011.

  • Enter 1999...2011 to search for records that have accession numbers containing anything between 1999 and 2011.

Search operators you can use with the Accession Number (no format) field

Type of search Operator Format Example
Starts with ] Right square bracket after text.


This example will find records with accession numbers that start with 2011.

Ends with [ Left square bracket before text.


This example will find records with accession numbers that end with PT.

Contains [ ] Square brackets around text.


This example will find records with accession numbers that contain 156 anywhere within them.

Ranges Three dots between numbers.


This example will find accession numbers between 1999 and 2011.