Rejected/Considered Objects field

The Rejected/Considered Objects field allows you to keep a record of any objects which have been considered, but rejected or removed from the activity.

How this field works

See Reject an object from an activity.

On the Outward Rights, Reproduction & Use - Objects, Photo/Audio-Visual and Activities window, this field is called Rejected/Considered Objects and Photo/Audio-Visual.

Field details

Field type

Authority field

Internal field name



Objects & Activities window > Objects tab for all Activities files.

Searching on this field

Select REJECTED_OB_ID in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports: Select Rejected Object.

  • Group (Down the page) reports: Expand Rejected Object(s) then select Object.

You can't sort on this field.