Credit Line field

The Credit Line records the approved text that should be associated with an object or photo/audio-visual item whenever it is displayed, published, photographed or otherwise presented to the public.


The Credit Line field can acknowledge or honour the person, people or the corporation that contributed to the acquisition of an object:

  • Gift of the Jones Family

  • Donated by Mr. John C. Smith

Or it can identify the method of acquisition in a general way:

  • Museum Purchase

  • Anonymous Donor

Field details

Field type

Authority field (Authority-Assisted)

Internal field name



  • Object > Identification window > Other ID, Name tab

  • Object > Acquisition, Provenance & Rights window > Provenance, Rights tab

  • Photo/Audio-Visual > Identification window > Source, Rights tab

  • Outward Rights, Reproduction & Use > Objects, Photo/Audio-Visual and Activities window > Objects & Photo/Audio-Visual tab

Searching on this field

Select Credit Line in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

Select Credit Line in Reporting.

You can't sort on this field.