Depends routine

Learn about how the Depends routine can be used as part of your security setup.


Sometimes you need to be more specific than just whether people can see, modify, or delete all records. It may depend on information in the record.

For example, the Public group should not see deaccessioned objects, or the Social History group should not modify Natural History records.

We can help you create a Depends routine to determine the type of records that people can create, delete, modify, or view. Email

Example: Hide deaccessioned and considered objects




  • OB_STATUS is the internal fieldname for the Procedural Status field in the Object file.

  • DEA and CON are the System IDs for the Deaccessioned and Considered Item terms in the Procedural Status field.

  • Add this argument to all rights that depend on the record type. For example, if they cannot view Deaccessioned or Considered Items, they probably cannot modify those records either.

Example: Hide objects with a restriction type




  • RESTRICTION is the internal fieldname for the Restriction Type field.

  • 1 and CUL are the System IDs for the Hazardous and Culturally Sensitive terms in the Restriction Type field.

Argument syntax and parameters

For security in the Object file, the argument is:


Argument Required or Optional Description Examples and notes
arg2 Required Internal field name of the field to be checked. OB_STATUS is the fieldname for the Procedural Status field in the Object file.
arg3 Required System ID of the term to check for.

DEA is the System ID for the Deaccessioned term in the Procedural Status field.

To check for multiple values (such as multiple departments), delimit the System IDs with an asterisk. For example, 12*14*2.

arg4 Optional If left blank, the Depends routine will allow viewing, modifying, or deleting only the specified values. If set to 1, the Depends routine will allow viewing, modifying, or deleting on all the values not specified.