Specify PDF locations on your network

You can use the USER_SYM_SUBROUTINE subroutine with the DOC.PATH argument in a complex User Symbolic to specify the field you use to record PDF links that are on your own internal Windows network.

Subroutine name


Subroutine argument


Example of use

This subroutine is useful for publishing PDFs to Vernon Browser.

Argument syntax and parameters

The subroutine is a piece of code that uses ‘arguments’. An argument is a set of options that tells the subroutine what to do. The argument parameters are commonly separated by an exclamation mark.

The DOC.PATH subroutine argument structure is:


What the argument parameters mean

Argument parameter Required or optional? Explanation Example
arg2 Required The internal field name of the field where the external file category is stored, and the System ID of the authority term that defines which PDF links should be included


This example refers to the Category field in the External File table, and an example System ID for the Public PDF term.

arg3 Required The internal field name of the field where the file link is stored.


This example refers to the External File field.

arg4 Optional

Set to 1 to change relative links to full path links. For example, a setting of 1 for this argument would change Documents\example.pdf to F:\Shared\Documents\example.pdf.

Set to 0 to keep relative links as they are.

The default setting is 1.

arg5 Optional

Set to 1 to convert the links to lowercase. This setting is useful if the filenames will later be referenced on a case-sensitive file system.

Set to 0 to keep the existing case.

The default setting is 1.

arg6 Optional Comma delimited list of file types allowed. This acts as an additional filter on the links so that files of the incorrect type (such as a Word document) aren’t included even if the file category was correct.  

Example of subroutine argument