Validation field

The Validation field allows any further validation or processing required for the incoming data in the XML Import Configuration window.

How this field works

Some incoming data may require extra validation or processing before it can be successfully imported to a Vernon CMS field.

For example, full name data might appear in one element of the XML (Smith, Mary Elizabeth), rather than being divided into family name and given name(s). As Vernon CMS divides names into several fields (including LASTNAME and FIRSTNAMES), further validation or processing is required for the incoming data.

When further processing like this is required, you should enter a pre-programmed validation routine in the Validation field. We can add validation routines on a case-by-case basis.

Field details

Field type

Text field

Internal field name



XML Import Configuration window > Field Mapping tab

Searching on this field

Use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports: Select Validation.

  • Group (Down the page) reports: Expand Fields then select Validation.

You can sort on this field.