Stratigraphy Keywords field
The Stratigraphy Keywords field records the stratigraphic context of the site at stages in the geological or archaeological record.
Lower Jurassic
Field details
Field type
Internal field name
Object file: FC_STRAT
Object > Field Collection window > Place, Site, Habitat tab
Site > Geology window > Structure, Stratigraphy, Extract, Petrology tab
Searching on this field
This is how to select this field in Advanced Search.
Object file: Select Field Collection Stratigraphy.
Site file: Select Stratigraphy.
Or use a Select Statement.
Reporting on this field
This is how to select this field in Reporting.
Object file
Field (Across the page) reports: Select Field Coll Stratigraphy.
Group (Down the page) reports: Select Field Coll Stratigraphy/Context Details.
You can sort on this field. Select Field Coll Stratigraphy.
Site file
Select Stratigraphy.
You can sort on this field.