Related Person Is field

The Related Person Is field lets you record details of the type of relationship between the current person and another related person.


  • Business partner

  • Child

  • Parent

  • Sibling

  • Spouse

  • Team member

How this field works

When you fill in the Related Person table, the Related Person table in the other person's record will also be updated.

The Related Person Is file connects to the Person: Relationship file.

Gendered and non-gendered relationships

You can configure the Related Person Is field (also known as Relationship) to allow both gendered and non-gendered relationships.

For example, the term Sibling can have masculine and feminine terms (Brother and Sister). These terms will display if the person’s gender is Male or Female. If their gender is not recorded, or is anything other than Male or Female, the term Sibling will display.

If you want to always show Sibling, regardless of gender, don't enter masculine and feminine terms for the term Sibling.

Opposite relationships

You can also configure Related Person Is to have opposites. For example, Parent and Child. When you select a relationship term in the Opposite field, that term will also be updated. For example, if you set Child to be the opposite of Parent, then Parent will become the opposite of Child.

Field details

Field type

Authority field

Internal field name



Person > Identification window > Work/Relations tab

Searching on this field

Select Related Person in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports: Select Relationship.

  • Group (Down the page) reports: Expand Related Person Details then select Relationship.

You can't sort on this field.