Previous Classification field

The Previous Classification field records any classifications this item has previously had.


A natural history specimen may initially be given a classification, but after further research it may be reclassified.

How this table works

To learn how to move a classification from the Current Classification table to the Previous Classifications table, see Classification field.

Field details

Field type

Authority field

Internal field name



Object > Classification History window

Searching on this field

Select Previous Classification in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports: Select Previous Classification.

  • Group (Down the page) reports: Expand Classification History then select Classification.

You can sort on this field. Select Previous Classification.

Tip: You can change a previous classification back to a current classification.
1. Open Object - Classification History window for the record being reclassified.
2. In the Previous Classifications table, select the Classification row that you want to move back to the Current Classification table.
3. Click Move Selected Back to Current.
4. In the Current Classifications table, enter any notes about the change.
5. Click Save.