Precision field
The Precision field records the accuracy of the latitude, longitude, altitude, or depth measurements.
GPS Reading
Field details
Field type
Field locations
Object > Field Collection window > Lat, Long, Map tab
Site > Identification window > Name, Lat, Long tab
Internal field names
Object file
Latitude Precision: FC_LAT_PRECISION
Longitude Precision: FC_LONG_PRECISION
Altitude Precision: FC_ALT_PRECISION
Site file
Latitude Precision: LAT_PRECISION
Longitude Precision: LONG_PRECISION
Altitude Precision: ALT_PRECISION
Depth Precision: DEPTH_PRECISION
Searching on this field
Use a Select Statement.
Reporting on this field
This is how to select this field in Reporting.
Object file
Latitude Precision: Expand Field Coll Latitude then select Precision.
Longitude Precision: Expand Field Coll Longitude then select Precision.
Altitude Precision: Expand Field Coll Altitude then select Precision.
Depth Precision: Expand Field Coll Depth then select Precision.
Site file
Latitude Precision: Expand Latitude then select Precision.
Longitude Precision: Expand Longitude then select Precision.
Altitude Precision: Expand Altitude then select Precision.
Depth Precision: Expand Depth then select Precision.
You can't sort on this field.