Element/Text field

The Element/Text field takes one of two options depending on what you entered in the Data Type field in the XML Import Configuration window.

How this field works

If the Data Type field is set to Imported, then this field requires an 'element'. That is, the column heading from your import spreadsheet. You can click the Get element headings from XML file button to automatically enter these headings.

If the Data Type field is set to Static Text, then this field requires the common text to be entered into the field in Vernon CMS, such as: 

  • Written text

  • A date

  • A System ID for an authority term

Select Static Text if you have data that is the same for all of your import records. For example, if all records being imported belong to the same department, or have the same accession date.

All Static Text data must be entered between quotes. This enables you to include spaces in your data. For example, if you want to add a note to a text field you can include spaces: "Record altered via XML Import".

If importing Static Text into an authority field, use the System ID of the appropriate term to ensure an exact match. For example, if the System ID of the Department term is 1, this can be specified in the Element/Text field as "1" (including the quotes).

You can use Static Text to clear data from single-valued fields. To clear a field, enter "%EMPTY%" in the Element/Text field and select Replace in the Replace/Append field. Note that this option can not be used on multi-value fields.

Field details

Field type

Text field

Internal field name



XML Import Configuration window > Field Mapping tab

Searching on this field

Use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports: Select Element Filler.

  • Group (Down the page) reports: Expand Fields then select Element Filler.

You can sort on this field.