Digital Filename field

The Digital Filename field records the file name and location of digital audio-visual material.

How this field works

When linked in the Digital Filename field, a thumbnail image will appear on the record, and any records that the audio-visual record is linked to. When a file is linked, the format of the file will be displayed in the Digital Format field in below the Digital Filename field.

Click the Open File button within the field or the Options button to find a file to link. You can also enter http:// and https:// file locations into this field, but they must end in a file extension, for example .jpg, .png, .bmp.

Field details

Internal field name



Photo/Audio-Visual > Identification window > Identification tab

Searching on this field

Select Digital Filename in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

Select Digital Filename in Reporting.

You can sort on this field.