Consumable field

The Consumable field records a part of an object that may need replacing.


  • A lightbulb that will burn out and need to be replaced.

  • Motor parts for an object with moving parts.

Field details

Field type

Authority field


  • Object > Accessory window > Media, Measurement tab

  • Object > Physical Aspects window > Shape, Colour, Technical tab

Internal field name


Searching on this field

Select Consumable in Advanced Search or use a Select Statement.

Reporting on this field

This is how to select this field in Reporting.

  • Field (Across the page) reports: Select Consumable.

  • Group (Down the page) reports: Expand Consumable details then select Consumable.

You can sort on this field. Select Consumable.

Tip: When you create a Consumable term, you can add details about the supplier, maker, usual location, cost, and more in the Consumable file.