Create a search filter

You can filter searches by the Procedural Status field or the Department field.


  1. Go to Tools menu, then System Maintenance, then Search Tool, then click Search Filters.

  2. Under Define Filters, in Type of Filter, click Options on the toolbar and select either Object Status or Department.

  3. In File, enter the datafile. For example, Object.

  4. In Description, enter a short description. For example, Accessioned Items. This description will show in the Results Filter list in Advanced Search.

  5. In Operation, click Options on the toolbar and select either Equal To or Not Equal To.

  6. In Authority Term(s), enter the term you want included or excluded by the filter. This will either be a Department term or a Procedural Status term. For example, Accessioned.

  7. Click OK.

See also

Assign a search filter to a group or user