Publish PDFs to Vernon Browser with Web Messenger
Follow these steps to publish your PDFs to Vernon Browser.
You can publish PDFs under 50MB directly to Vernon Browser with Web Messenger if you are using:
Vernon CMS version 12.5 or later.
Vernon Browser version 6 or later.
There are six steps to follow:
Enter the PDFs in the Document References window.
Create a User Symbolic field for the PDFs.
Update your Browser export report template to include the Public PDF field.
Update the Web Messenger configuration to include the Public PDF field.
Save an Object record that contains a public PDF.
Change the Browser settings to enable the display of PDFs.
Step 1: Enter the PDFs in the Document References window
Open the Object - Document References window for the object.
In the External File field, enter the file path of the PDF by clicking
Options and selecting it from your folder. -
In the Category field, enter Public PDF. If this term doesn’t exist in your system, you’ll need to create it.
Note the System ID of the Public PDF term as you will need this to create the User Symbolic.
Step 2: Create a User Symbolic field for the PDFs
Go to the Tools menu, then System Maintenance, then User Defined Parameters, then click User Symbolics.
In the File field, select Object.
Click the Go to Next Available User Sym button.
Select Complex Symbolic.
In Symbolic Name, enter Public PDF.
In Subroutine Name, enter USER_SYM_SUBROUTINE.
In Subroutine Argument, enter:
Where ID is the System ID of your Public PDF term. For example, if the System ID of Public PDF was 4, you would enter:
Note the ID of the new User Symbolic field. You will need this when updating the Web Messenger configuration. For example, the ID may be USER_SYM_12.
Click Save.
Step 3: Update your Browser export report template to include the Public PDF field
Click Report on the toolbar to open the Reporting tool on the Object file.
On the Report Template tab, open the Browser export report template.
On the Edit Report Template tab, click Selected Fields.
In the Available Fields list, scroll to the bottom and double-click the Public PDFs field to move it to the list of Display Fields, and click OK.
Click Save Template and save the template in Portfolio with the same name.
Step 4: Update the Web Messenger configuration to include the Public PDF field
Go to the Tools menu, then Public Access, then click Web Messenger.
Click Configuration.
In Listener ID, select Browser.
Update the Additional Parameters table:
In the Name column, enter Public PDF.
In the Value column, enter the ID of your new User Symbolic field. For example, USER_SYM_12.
Click Save Listener.
Step 5: Save an Object record that contains a public PDF
Open any Object record that contains a public PDF and click Save. This will trigger Web Messenger to update Vernon Browser.
Step 6: Change the Browser settings to enable the display of PDFs
Get in touch with us to set this up. You can choose whether PDF text content is included in the search data on Vernon Browser and whether there’s a search results filter to select only results that have documents attached.