Inventory an object at a location
You can record inventory details to confirm the location of objects.
Open the Object - Location window for the object you want to move.
Click Inventory.
In the Inventory Transaction window, enter data in these fields:
Date, Time: These will show the current date and time, but you can delete these and backdate an inventory.
Part: This will default to 0-Whole. If the object has multiple parts, you can select parts for this inventory. You can enter Rest of Object by entering a forward slash (/) into the field.
Reason: If you enter a reason of Usual Location, the Usual Location field will be update for that object or part.
Location: This is automatically filled from the Current Location table. If the object or any of its parts are inventoried at a location different than its current location, the system will update the Current Location table to show the inventoried location.
Optional: Entering a Packing Unit will automatically fill the Location and External fields with the current location and external details of that Packing Unit.
Optional: The External field refers to companies or individuals or institutions from the Person file who currently have possession of the object.
Click OK.
Click Save.