Delete a user

When someone no longer needs access to Vernon CMS (such as when they leave your organisation), you should delete their associated user.

Note: Deleting a user doesn’t remove their user name from the update history or delete any information they have added to Vernon CMS.


  1. Go to Tools > System Maintenance > Security Tool.

  2. Click Users.

  3. In the Security - User window, under User name, select the user to delete.

  4. Click into the Person field and click Go To on the toolbar to open their Person record.

  5. In the Person record, in the Known As column, enter the user name on a new row. Ideally, you would create a Name Type of User Name, but this isn’t essential.

  6. Click Save and close the Person record.

  7. In the Security - User window, go to the File menu and click Delete to delete the user.