Risk/Hazard Type file

You can record all types of risks and hazards such as fire and lead toxins with the Risk/Hazard Type file.

How this file works

The Risk/Hazard type file controls the Risk/Hazard Type field.

Details tab

General fields

  • Name

  • Summary

Classification fields

  • Classification

  • Classification Notes

Material fields

  • Material

  • Material Notes

Impact type fields

  • Impact Type

  • Impact Type Notes

Person fields

  • Person

  • Person Role

  • Person Role Notes

Policy field

  • Policies & Procedures

General flag fields

  • General Flag

  • General Flag Notes

Location fields

  • Authorised Locations

  • Authorised Locations Notes

  • Prohibited Locations

  • Prohibited Locations Notes

Administration fields

  • Expiry Date

  • Review Frequency

  • Priority

Recommendation tab

Treatment fields

Storage fields

Packing fields

Handling fields

Display fields