Date, time, and duration fields

Date fields in Vernon CMS accept a wide variety of formats.

Shortcut keys

  • You can enter the letter t into any date field and press Enter, and it will enter today's date.

  • You can enter the letter y and it will enter yesterday's date.

Future dates

You can't enter future dates in date fields, with a few exceptions such as Rights Expiry Date.

Keywords and partial dates

Most date fields will accept keywords and partial dates as well as full dates.

For example:

  • 1982?

  • 1975 {thought to be}

  • Pre 1920

  • Late 2010

  • Post 1450

  • Mid 1988

  • Circa 1950

  • May 1972?

  • 1960s

  • 21st Century

  • Unknown

  • Early 17th Century

  • 200 BC

  • 250 BCE

  • 21/05/2017

  • 1980-1990


  • 21 Jan 87...31 Jan 87

  • 2015 to 2017

  • 2008 til today

  • 1870 until 1930

  • By 1960

  • From 1975

Precise dates

Some date fields only accept precise dates and must include a day, month, and year.

Dates that require day, month, and year can be entered as:

  • 21/05/2022

  • 21.05.2022

  • 21 May 2022

  • 2022.05.21

  • 2022 May 21

  • May 21 2022

Examples of precise date fields

  • Location Movement Date

  • Inventory Transaction Date

Time and duration fields

Time and duration fields only accept numbers in the format of a time duration (hours:minutes:seconds) or a timecode (hours:minutes:seconds:frame).

Example of a time duration


Example of a timecode


Date-time fields

Date-time fields require the date and time in this format:

DD/MM/YY hh:mm

The date must be followed by a space and then the time. You can either use colons (:) or semi-colons (;) to separate the hours, minutes and seconds.

For example, you could type 1.1.22 14.30 and the system would interpret this as 01 JAN 2022 14:30:00.

You can use the 24-hour clock format, or the letters "a" and "p" to indicate am or pm. For example:

  • 8:30a would change to 08:30:00.

  • 8:30p would change to 20:30:00.