Filename Prefix field

The Filename Prefix field removes a common prefix from image file names when using the Import & Link Images tool to link the images to object accession numbers or System IDs.

How this field works

This field is available in the Import & Link Images tool. You can only enter one prefix at a time, so if image files have many different prefixes, you will need to process them in separate batches.

The field is not case sensitive.


If your image file names started with the prefix VSM, such as VSM2012_46_7.jpg, you would enter VSM in the Filename Prefix field.

Warning: You should avoid using prefixes in your image file names. The Filename Prefix field is not as comprehensive as the Filename Suffix field. The folder structure you use for storing and locating images can replace the need for a file name prefix. Please see Image storage guidelines or email for more information.